Garland Technologies

March 07, 2022

Overcome the Security Challenges of the OT Environments with Garland

Garland Technology’s portfolio has undergone significant changes recently. In the third part of our four-part article series dealing with Garland’s new portfolio we outline the network security issues of OT systems.
March 02, 2022

Industrial Network TAPs from Garland

In the second part of our four-part series on Garland Technology's new product portfolio, we present the TAP product line for industrial networking.
February 25, 2022

XtraTAP: Modular Packet Brokers from Garland

Garland Technology’s portfolio has undergone significant changes recently. New product families have appeared in the portfolio, which we are now presenting individually in a four-part article series. In the first part, we discuss XtraTAP packet brokers.
November 30, 2021

Megjelent a Gartner idei riportja a vállalati szintű szoftveres biztonsági mentés és helyreállítás megoldásokról

A biztonsági mentéssel és helyreállítással foglalkozó legfrissebb Gartner kutatásban az Acronis a Látnok (Visionaries) kategóriában foglal helyet.
May 20, 2021

Mi az a Packet Analyzer?

Mi az a hálózati csomag? Mi a Packet Analyzer? Milyen előnyökkel jár a packet sniffing? Hogyan férnek hozzá a Packet Snifferek a csomagokhoz?